Would WMD change the minds of the anti-war crowd?
Ever since a few weeks after coalition forces marched into Iraq, people who were against the war before it began have put forward the argument that the war is not justified because of the lack of WMD. This has also been used by people who were in favor of the war (like John Kerry and John Edwards) to criticize the Bush administration.
I have a question for the people on this site who are opposed to the war. If there had been several tons of chemical and/or biological weapons found in Iraq, would you change your mind and say the war was justified? If so, why? If not, what level of WMD, if any would be needed to justify the war?
There is a legitimate argument that President Bush put too much emphasis on WMD and not enough on other reasons. A failure in delivering an effective argument does not imply that the war was the wrong decision however.
If people want to argue that the presence of WMD stockpiles was a decisive issue in justifying the invasion of Iraq, then they better be able to explain why they would have supported the war if WMD stockpiles were found.