It has been reported that the Kerry campaign is considering a plan to delay the official acceptance of the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. The motivation for this is that Kerry will be able to raise and spend more money if he delays accepting the nomination. This has caused controversy because it could undermine the importance of the convention, and some feel it is exploiting a loophole in the new campaign finance law. This issue was debated on Fox News Channel's show Hannity ...
Worldwide, there is much opposition to the Iraqi war. It has been said many times that Saddam was not a serious enough threat to warrant an invasion. It is often not mentioned that a major reason why Saddam wasn't an imminent threat was that harsh measures were imposed upon Iraq because of the Kuwait invasion and the subsequent failure to participate in weapons inspections, and that these measures have serious consequences. There were 3 main options for Iraq's future. Neither of them is pl... There are many political ads around these days. They have their black and white photos and ominious announcers. The important part of this ad though is the words John Kerry himself said on national TV and other venues. I urge everyone who plans to vote in the election to watch this. Here is the important message of the ad: 1. In the late 1990s during the confrontation with Iraq relating to inspections, John Kerry supported strong military action against Iraq, includ...
Let's look at how the last 3 presidents from each party have done on major defense issues. Republicans: GW Bush: Invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Established GITMO. Demands complete, verifiable, and irreversible disarmament of North Korea. GHW Bush: Ejected Iraq from Kuwait. Reagan: Massive buildup of the military. Made the end of communism in the USSR and it satellite states a goal of US policy. Democrats: Clinton: Bombed and occupied Kosovo. Bombed Iraq and Sudan. Gave (or...
I think John Kerry has a problem: the liberal base of his supporters has one view about foreign policy, and swing voters who are undecided have a completely opposite view. Kerry needs the support of both groups to win the election, but there isn't a position that will satisfy both of them. Or is there? One of the key issues in US foreign policy is Iraq. (This subject has been heavily debated, so I do not want to rehash the arguments for and against the war here.) One question facing Americ...
Ever since a few weeks after coalition forces marched into Iraq, people who were against the war before it began have put forward the argument that the war is not justified because of the lack of WMD. This has also been used by people who were in favor of the war (like John Kerry and John Edwards) to criticize the Bush administration. I have a question for the people on this site who are opposed to the war. If there had been several tons of chemical and/or biological weapons found in Iraq,...